
Take the paperwork out of leasing

eLease keeps everything online so you never have to print or scan a thing.

Collect legally binding eSignatures

Our partnership with Adobe Document Cloud allows you to collect eSignatures for every lease and addendum right from within Tekxel. Tenants can sign from the device of their choice.

Draft and store leases in the cloud

Still hammering out the specifics of the lease? No problem. Draft and store all of your leases in Tekxel so you never lose track of those minor details.

Save time with lease templates

Create and reuse online templates for all of your lease documents and addenda. Templates use auto-fill fields, so lease details like tenant names, rent amounts, and dates will populate automatically. You can also insert signature blocks and add your own custom fields.

Track the leasing process

Know exactly who has and has not signed with a quick glance at the Tekxel leasing dashboard.